Monday, January 13, 2025

A Happy Reunion: Angel Blog

Waking up this morning, a funny duck swam into my consciousness.  A black-and-white speckled mallard with a big yellow beak named Smorgie, short for Smorgasbord.... Okay... I laughed, feeling a touch of childlike silliness. I'd asked the angels to experience joy today.   

His comical presence stirred the waters of happy memories daily feeding the ducks.  Four months ago Hurricane Milton swamped the lakefront. Our morning routine changed.  The park closed. The beautiful lake no longer accessible. And, the old cypress tree where I circled the cracked corn stood in two feet of water.    

Smorgie's comic image turned out to be an angel thought. Go back to the lake today. We did, hoping for the best.  All went well. The waters had drastically receded so our car could pull in a short distance from the main road. The lake front houses farther down now had access to the road at the far opposite end to come and go. 

Things were shifting...time heals.   

In the cold gray morning, I spotted my old friend Gray Baby resting on the park bench out in the chilly lake.  Other webbed friends sought refuge atop the picnic table where we liked to watch the ducks swim. It was an odd sight, but the ducks had stayed close to home. 

Overjoyed, I waved a bag of cracked corn, calling, "Here, Duckies!"   

Gray Baby perked up and paddled through cold ripples slowly making the distance to soggy land. His gray and white tail wagged at the pile of golden corn as I silently gave thanks for all the good present in that special moment.   A cute pair of brown mallards and a couple of hefty muscovy ducks joined the happy reunion.  

 Our oldest sandhill crane friends, Papa and Mama waded in to get in on the feast. Papa has one bad eye. That's how I can tell him apart from the other sandhills. And, here they were, together and safe after the 

two hurricanes.  An answer to prayers.



Before leaving, a beautiful Great White Egret landed, sharing her grace.  These elegant white birds  remind me of the Holy Spirit. And, for sure, we had a holy encounter with nature this morning. A smorgasbord of Love.   Loving care is the best medicine for the soul. Life is like a smorgasbord, full of choices to sample love in big and little ways. 

Remember you are never alone.  God has sent His angels to be with you. God is Love.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen