Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Change in Plans: An Angel Message

When the chill of winter hit Florida this week, early one morning, Elliot and I answered the call to head for Blue Springs to see the manatees!  An angel message had prompted me to be spontaneous that day.  Step out of the same old routine.   The big gentle manatees migrate into the warm springs only when the St. John River gets too cold.  In hopes of seeing them, we changed our plans in midstream and took a detour to the state park, rather than grocery shop. 

At the admissions gate, we learned the park had counted 138 manatees in Blue Springs that morning.  And the best part was there were very few visitors as we made our way to the lookout deck. The manatee is one of the gentlest water mammals.  It has a streamlined body, full around the middle, and narrows to a paddle shaped tail.   

The cool air, soft breeze and still aqua spring waters were ripe with many adult manatees (10 to 13 feet long).  Motionless, they were resting in the warm springs.  One big mama floated by with her baby on her back.  

At first, the pod was very still, resting under water, intermittently coming up for air.   I asked the angels to help me get a photo.   To my surprise, the waters soon stirred, as you can see here, and things got a little more lively.
Then the Springs manatee specialist and the artist who keeps a record of each one and their markings showed up in a bright red canoe.  

The gang gathered, curious, as to what these two were up to!

A volunteer at the Springs, stood beside me on the deck. In the stillness, there was a gentle hush of peace and tranquility.  The hectic pace of the world seemed far away.  Looking out at the springs  I thought I saw a rare sight.  A dolphin!  My new park nature friend pointed out it was a manatee. He was eating the resurrection ferns on a tree.  Manatees are non-aggressive, non-territorial herbivores.  The ferns are brown and look dead, but become lush green plants when nourished by the rain. 

Resurrection fern!    I laughed, respecting his hardy appetite. The only manatee in the crowd, coming up to munch down.

 I had learned something new.  The old camphor tree in our backyard sprouts little green ferns on its long lanky limbs after a rain.  Now, I knew the name, and liked the thought of resurrection energy at work in our favorite old tree.

In Animal-Wise, Ted Andrew writes manatees represent trust, gentleness, and trust in others to do the right thing.  The waters are home to these gentle creatures and man must be respectful when boating on the rivers. We have a responsibility and relationship to nature. 

When manatees show up, we may be looking at things too closely or not closely enough.  A reminder to step back and clear our vision from time to time. 

It was a fun morning at the park and a wonderful reminder that no matter what we may be going through, the story isn't over yet.  Resurrection is in the wings, we just have to clear our vision and resurface to receive the blessing.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen