Last week, I was out in the garden with the hose providing some much needed TLC. From across the way, I noticed a single red knockout rosebud about to bloom. The other rose bushes have long shed their delicate blossoms, but here this joyful little messenger was radiating a gift of love. It may seem rather silly but in that instant, I felt the loving touch of my mother, Mary. She loved roses and her front yard had many fragrant rose bushes that she tended well. Funny thing was earlier that day I was really missing her, something that I thought had been healed.
In joy, I smiled, feeling the power of love, it never dies, but blooms forever in our hearts. When I returned to take a photo the next day, the little red rose was bursting in full glory.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Look for little touches of love to brighten your day.
Joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
In joy, I smiled, feeling the power of love, it never dies, but blooms forever in our hearts. When I returned to take a photo the next day, the little red rose was bursting in full glory.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Look for little touches of love to brighten your day.
Joyful blessings,
Rae Karen