An angel thought popped in last week while heading for a particular destination. Take a detour to check out the peacocks at the rehab center.
So Elliot and I did.
Turns out it was good advice.
To my delight, a lone peacock had posed by the entrance to the building. His beautiful train had grown back in its full regalia. Finding him waiting on the wall seemed like a perfect setup. And at first glance, I thought it was too good to be true. What a surprise when he cocked his royal blue head and a sound like a car horn blared. A bugle call, of sorts, and perhaps a good reminder to be watchful of our words and actions more than ever. There are no idle thoughts so focus on peace and goodwill in the midst of chaos. The angels, God's messengers, are here to help us evolve if we stay open and believe.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen