Saturday, May 15, 2021

Spread Your Wings, Dance and Sing: An Angel Message

 Stretch, the fast-growing sandhill crane colt, put on a show at the lake.  It was amusing as he became animated after I called on the angels to help get a playful photo.   

Here his message is to "Stretch" your wings, and get ready to take flight. The sky is the limit.

Actually, he was drying out after a splashy bath, singing in the lake. 

Singing brings joy to the heart and lightens the worse of moods.  Why not have fun and sing today?  You may not feel like it at first, but your spirit will kick in and before you know it you'll be happy you gave it a try.   Be like Stretch and sing your own song with gusto.  

And, last but not least, enjoy the dance of life. Step out and let the wind blow through your feathers and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Look to spend time outdoors in nature.

Have a joyful day, and remember you are never alone.  You are always in the presence of the angels. Welcome these celestial visitants and watch for wonderful things to happen throughout the day.  

"For He shall give his angels charge over you..."  Psalm 91:11

Love and peace,

Rae Karen