Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Law of Gratitude: An Angel Message

 Something amusing confirmed my thinking earlier today.  Thoughts are things...they hold creative energy.  Maybe you've noticed lately how you may entertain a thought about something, and, the next thing you know, it has manifested in form. 

That's what happened today.  I had just started to blog about The Law of Gratitude when my kitchen stove timer buzzed.  The timing was good because that's when I noticed two wild turkeys gobbling out on the lawn.  Angel messengers of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING. I smiled, grateful for the companion photo for the angel blog.

Another nature message appeared on the driveway.  Recent heavy rains had drenched a fallen leaf, leaving an outline of a rustic heart on the concrete.  Although the leaf was long gone, it had made a lasting impression.  Whatever you do, stay wholehearted in Love.  I was happy to see the whole heart in tact, and not divided by the crack in the cement.  

I've been reading about how The Law of Gratitude holds creative power.  The more gratefully and wholeheartedly we fix our thoughts on the Supreme when good things come to us, the more good things we will be open to receive, and the more rapidly they will come.  The mental attitude of gratitude draws our mind into closer alignment with the Source from which all blessings come. In this way, the Law of Gratitude helps builds faith.  "Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you."

Faith is born of gratitude.  A grateful mind continually expects good, and expectation becomes faith.A reaction of gratitude upon one's own mind produces faith; and every outgoing wave of grateful thanksgiving increases faith. 

The angels encourage us to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes, and give thanks continuously.  You may want to make a gratitude list.

In closing, my gratitude scale was tested sorely.  The first blog when ready to be published, somehow got whisked away.  Nothing but a blank.  Anyway, I made the choice to be grateful to have the time, the energy, and the tools to do it again.  

May you enjoy your day with the Angels of Gratitude and Thanksgiving.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

(Ref. Law of  Gratitude notes from Wallace Wattles, The Science of Growing Rich)