Happy Spring Solstice! Archangel Raphael is the Governor of the new season, a wonderful time to celebrate new life. Winter has passed, and hopefully we've shed (let go) of what no longer serves us. All in preparation for a new beginning. Resurrection energy is blossoming once again.
Nature is a true witness to the powerful change in seasons. The peacocks are out of hiding, happily dressed in exquisite new plumage. The fall and winter molting seasons led up to this wonderful time. A shivering and rattling of undulating fanfare to attract a mate.
Sometimes, he must be patient and wait, on-high, at her window....But with toes crossed, he has high hopes of good luck coming his way.
The royal peacock brings a hopeful message to watch and wait. Watch your words and your thoughts, especially what you think and say about yourself. Be patient with yourself and with others. Think on the bright side.
And, like the peacock, put your right foot forward, and take it one step at a time, moving forward in grace.
means "God has Healed." Call
on Archangel Raphael to bring radiant healing to dissolve any blockages
that may hold you back from a wonderful new beginning. Then, watch
what you say and think. Speak only positive life-affirming words over
your life, and get ready to bloom!
Love and peace,
Rae Karen