Monday, April 17, 2023

Making the Best with What Is: Angel Message

 A pair of Sandhill cranes were teaching a lesson on "making the best with what is."  On the drive to the post office, I saw the prospective parents standing together near a nest they built on an old wooden dock at the lake. 

Two rather large white eggs glistened in a sunlit bed of straw on the weathered rough planks! 

The crane couple were changing shifts.  Each takes a turn sitting on the eggs. A Sandhill crane lays only two eggs. It was a rare treat to get a glimpse, and it happened so fast, I wondered about it, and returned the next day with my camera.      

The high waters have washed out their usual nesting choices on the tall reedy shore. 

But what an enterprising pair to gather straw and build on an old pier that belongs to a house on the hill.   As soon as the babies hatch, they must go into the water.  That's why lake-side property is a must.   

Several years ago, the weathered dock had seen better days.  It extended 15-feet above a bed of dried reeds at the shrinking lake, far removed from the water. The useless old dock is now afloat, almost to the brim, after last year's storms.   

Timing is everything... those old wood planks now support new life.  Cranes are about creativity and longevity.

Shrouded by a stand of trees, I would have missed the crane's creative ingenuity if it weren't for an angel nudge.  That's what angels do...they give us a heads-up.  A more expansive vision of the world around us. God speaks through nature, my favorite language. 

I'm thankful for the lesson from the Sandhill cranes.  Although our terrain may look drastically different for a season or two, Love will make a way for us to celebrate new life.  

"In all things give thanks..."  

Not so easy to do during major trials, but with our angels watching over us, we, too, are blessed to receive fresh inspiration on making the best with what is. Flexibility is the key...  Never say never...and watch for the miracles.  With God, all things are possible...

Love and peace,


Rae Karen