Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Milton's Approach: An Angel Message

 Thanks for all your prayers for Florida during Milton's approach.  We're hunkered down abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty--holding on tight to the promise of protection in Psalm 91.  

Something amusing and comforting caught us by surprise early this morning. Our house has a security feature that announces in a feminine voice when a particular door is being opened.  The dining room door to the porch had been activated when we left it open to let the cat come and go.  A half-hour later while  sitting in the sun-room, the sentry door voice rang out, Dining Room Door Open.  Elliot and I looked at each other in amazement as the door was already open. That had never happened before.   My mom's sense of humor from the other side seemed to come through that door--a reminder that we're never alone.  Angels are ever present.   

In closing, a gentle dove has just landed on the cable wire that stretches across the lane, and is resting on high.  Another comforting message, Peace, be still.  God is ever present.  

Love and peace to all.  The best is yet to be.  

Rae  Karen

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