Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Hallowmas!


Recently I looked up the history of Halloween and learned it's the evening before the Christian holy day of All Hallows' Day (also known as All Saints' Day or Hallowmas) celebrated on November 1. 

As a kid I loved Halloween, pretending to be someone different, hiding behind an ugly rubber mask as I ran door-to-door with my scary friends.  A serious Trick-or-Treater,  I combed the neighborhood toting a pillowcase to haul my stash.  What spooky fun to roam around in the cold night air, greeting other masqueraders on the prowl, and even better to return home and dump the loot out on the living room floor.

I'd begin the task of sorting out the best from the rest. Miniature Milky Way, Snickers, Three Musketeer bars, boxes of Milk Duds and candy corn were mine to keep.  Mom confiscated the rest to prevent tooth decay, but she had a sweet tooth, too, slowing doling out the candy to my brothers and me over the months. 

Now, it's interesting to reflect on how we each parade around in these physical costumes (bodies) as we go through life.  We are more than we presently know.  Within each of us is the eternal Spirit of the Divine, All-Hallowed, made perfect in the image and likeness of God. 
I can't think of a better treat, can you?  

Happy Hallowmas Day!

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen