Yesterday's trip to the Dollar Tree to find flat glass marbles paid off. Three little bags of splashes of joy along with a new glass bowl were soon on my nightstand. I got the idea from an uplifting book that found me at the Book Nest on Sunday. Each little marble--a droplet of joy--a splash--can be a reminder of how God has come through for you in the past. To not lose faith. To keep on going... Who doesn't need a splash of joy right now? A little memento, a droplet of joy to share with others. A marble to tuck away in your purse or set on the kitchen windowsill...a little day brightener to catch you by surprise when feeling low.
Well, more was to come... Early this morning I woke up to a LOUD crash! Our scared feisty feline, Hei-Hei, fled in the dark. He had knocked my bowlful of joy off the nightstand. Let the day begin in joy... I quietly turned on the lamp. In spite of the rude awakening, something took me by surprise, a subtle shift at the sight of all those sea-foam marbles glistening on the beige carpet. Each one a splash of joy.
I was at peace.
Maybe there's something to these splashes of joy--I thought, amazed by my calmness. I found myself oddly amused, picking up the marbles one by one among the sharp glass shards of what had been my new bowl. Oddly enough, one joyful splash landed in the floor vent by the bed. I tried to get it out, but the idea of adding a splash of joy to the air no matter what season seemed to be a good one. Splash of joy sounds like the latest perfume--why not splash a dab behind your ears as you begin your day with the angels.
Please reach out your hand, and accept a splash of joy from me to you today. The best is yet to be. Stay strong. You are not alone... God loves you.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen