Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Nature Angels

Outside the open window, the morning air is awash with angels. -- Richard Wilbur

We are the recipients of gracious blessings and gifts that come to us through the favors of nature. The Angels of Nature keep the earth green and fertile. I've always appreciated the trees wherever I have lived. Just seeing them from the window was always very comforting. At that time, I didn't realize that every tree, flower, or bush as its own nature angel or spirit (deva).

Several years ago, I decided to take up gardening and began with a small flowerbed in the front yard. At the time we were living on busy Atlantic Avenue and I longed for a quieter place of being. Something amazing happened when I decided to create the garden not only for me but for all the people who walked by to also enjoy the beauty of the flowers. I called on the Angel of the Garden for help because I never had much luck in getting anything to grow. Not knowing anything about gardening, I found my hands working as if they had a mind of their own. The universe opened up. All kinds of supplies came my way. Rocks. Daisies. Hostas. Bulbs. Neighbors gifted me with extras from their yard. Before long, the garden looked like a work of art that had been around for many years. With that success, I tackled the back yard and got the same results. I began to see first hand that I was gifted with angelic assistance in harmonizing and appreciating nature.

Working in the soil, helped me stay in the moment as I seemed to have opened an invisible door to another realm of wonder and healing.

Angelic blessings,


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