Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Resurrection Energy

(Noli me tangere)  BOTTICELLI  (14444/45-1510) Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art)

The past week or two I've had amazing synchronicity regarding the resurrection.  It began when I came across this prayer in a little icon book entitled, Stations of the Resurrection, at Saint Augustine.  This prayer especially spoke to my heart.  I liked the concept that Christ can gently speak to us in times of doubt, calling us by name as he did Mary in the garden, reawakening us to a new reality.

"O Christ of the resurrection
when you spoke Mary's name
she knew that it was you.
You know each of us individually,
you call us by name.
In times of doubt or perplexity,
speak gently to us, speak our name,
and help us to realize
that it is not our weakness that counts,
but your strength;
not our achievements,
but your redeeming grace in us
that brings us to the new day."

Terry Tastard

Next, this Botticelli  of Mary and Christ (above) was in a beautiful old book, The Life of Christ in Masterpieces of Art, I happened upon at the Deland public library book sale.  She is reaching out to touch him in the physical, wanting to believe that he's for real. But he tells her not to touch Him for He has not yet ascended.

Then at our A Course in Miracles meeting yesterday, the Holy Spirit guided the group to several passages on the resurrection.  One of my favorites:

            "...your resurrection is your reawakening."

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  These angel messages point the need to keep our thoughts above the clouds of mortal mind.  There is more going on than meets the eye.  Trust and appreciate "what you are" as a holy child of God.
