(cherumbim artwork from the web)
Light has been a big theme for me the past several days. First off, my neighbor has a generator in his front yard called LIGHT TOWER. We laughed about the name this morning at our A Course in Miracles meeting. Last night, light crossed my path again in a deliberate way. While we were driving home at dusk, passing through the neighborhood, I saw a real treasure discarded near a trash can. An old fashioned lantern, made of heavy iron, it was large enough to house a fat white candle the size of a small birthday cake. The design was handsome and it even had a little door. I wanted it in the worse way, and so Elliot sighed and helped me haul it into the trunk. We are light workers, after all. I brought it home and cleaned it up. All I need is a new wick for the candle.
This morning, I smiled when my Course in Miracles saying card was on light. I read the words from Christ: "I am come as a light into a world that does deny itself everything. It does this simply by dissociating itself from everything. It is therefore an illusion of isolation, maintained by fear of the same loneliness that is its illusion. I said that I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. That is why I am the light of the world. If I am with you in the loneliness of the world, the loneliness is gone..."
The message is a welcomed one. No matter how dark a situation may appear, the Light of Christ is within each of us. Sometimes it takes darkness to make that discovery that we are Light. Gratitude paves the way to enlightenment.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.