Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Floral Apostle with a Message of Victory: Angel Message

Look what my favorite palm tree delivered yesterday morning.  A rare gift had fallen from her crown.   A large, lacy branch, loaded with tiny clusters of dainty flowers, in the shape of a Christmas tree.  Later in the day, a happy host of honeybees buzzed round, feasting on the sweet nectar of life to make honey.   I looked up the symbolism of the tree again, and learned the regal palm is associated with cherubim in the Bible.  Unlike other trees, the palm doesn't branch out in many directions.  Rather it grows strong--reaching straight up toward the heavens.  The elastic-like trunk helps the flexible tree to bend down low during storms so as not to snap.  Maybe that's why it was known as the Phoenix long ago.  A palm tree is a wonderful symbol of victory.

The flowering gift brought to mind another flower gift I received while living on the farm. Maybe you're like me and have a strong bond with the flowers and trees grateful for the wisdom gained from their lessons.  Many years ago, flipping through the day-time channels, I discovered a Christian talk show reviewing a book about a man who talked with the flowers. I tuned in eager to hear the name of this person.  Imagine my surprise to learn he was the famous botanist and brilliant scientist who had discovered many uses for the peanut, as well as many other outstanding contributions. Dr. George Washington Carver.

I ordered the booklet, The Man Who Talks with the Flowers. Glenn Clark's wonderful book about his spiritual friend, Dr. George Washington Carver.  You can find it on Amazon. The intimate life story of Dr. George Washington Carver gives insight into his genius as well as his spiritual connection to nature and the many secrets revealed to him that we too can put into practice.
A fascinating read, offering much hope for our future.
"Dr. Carver said, 'Last night as I rode to the auditorium I was holding a little white flower in my hand all the way, and in the silence while we rode, I was talking to it and it was talking to me. It told me some wonderful things. And the flowers have never failed to tell me the truth. It told me that there is going to be a great spiritual awakening in the world, and it is going to come from people up here, from people connected with you and me, from plain, simple people who know--not merely believe--but actually know that God answers prayer.

'It is going to be a great revival of Christianity, not a revival of religion. We can have religion and still have wars. But this is to be a revival of true Christianity. It is going to rise from the layman, from men who are going about their work and putting God into what they do, from men who believe in prayer, and who want to make God real to mankind.'"

The best is yet to be.
Love and peace,

Rae Karen
Dr. George Washington Carver (photo from Washington Daily News)