The hawk has been my angel messenger for many, many years. Whenever one shows up, I pay attention to the hawk's behavior in that moment. It will provide a clue on how to best handle a current or upcoming situation.
Yesterday we were faced with tropical storm Debby in the forecast. Late in the afternoon, I happened to see our cat amused by a large grasshopper on the living room window looking into the house. Grasshoppers are about taking big leaps of happiness. That's when I saw something unusual near the end of the driveway. It looked like a plump red hawk sitting on the fence post unfazed by sheets of pouring rain. I couldn't believe it. With my camera I zoomed in. There she was! A sentinel, posted on the wood post, rain dripping off her bright yellow beak, and those downy red feathers soaking wet, but she wasn't moved by the weather. She kept watch like a hawk at her post.
This afternoon while blogging at my desk about the hawk in the rain, whoa! I looked up from typing just as she landed on the roof of the old wood playhouse close outside my office window. You can't make these things happen. Her timing was both amazing and startling. Wind ruffled through her feathers as she quickly looked around, and then flew away leaving me with a question. Why the playhouse? Was her message for me to lighten up and be playful, to enjoy each precious moment? Her divine timing served as another reminder. Our thoughts have wings and can take flight and manifest right on time, so be vigilant and optimize what we are thinking.
Because of their keen vision and strength all hawks are guardians. Hawk's
appearance always heralds a time of greater strength and vision which
will help us tremendously in our present efforts. We'll have
protection on our journeys and goals so be prepared to advance.
We are so grateful for all the prayers of protection for our beloved State, Land of Flowers.
"For He shall give His angels charge over you..." (Psalm 91)
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Ref: Animal-Wise, Ted Andrews