Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Balancing Act: An Angel Message

 Squirrels are usually seen scurrying about, busy or bursting with nervous energy.  Yesterday while working at my desk, I happened to look up in time to see a curious sight. A little gray squirrel had sprawled out on top of the rough wooden beam on the swing set.  He looked done in by the heat and was taking a rest in the sunlight.  I could relate. I watched him with compassion as he laid there for quite some time.  Rest--seemed to be the angel message.  

Striking such a deliberate pose, I decided to look up the spiritual meaning of squirrel. 

 "If squirrel has scampered into your life, examine your own activity and preparedness.  Are you too active?  Not active enough? Are you becoming too erratic--running to and fro and not accomplishing anything?  Do you need to learn how to save and ration on any level--money, time, energy?  Are you getting hung up on collecting and accumulating?  Are you gathering and not giving?"

Squirrels are about keeping balance within the circle of gathering and sharing.  If we are doing too much of one or they other, squirrel may appear to remind us of balance.  We should also make time to socialize and play.  When work and play go hand in hand, work becomes less difficult and is more fruitful. Funny  the tired squirrel chose to rest on top of the swing set. 

I sent a little prayer of peace and healing to my bushy-tailed friend.  Soon he sat up, scratched his head, and scampered away. 


 Wishing you a day of peace and rest as your angels watch over you.  The best is yet to be.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen



(Ref. Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews)