Thursday, April 12, 2018

Entertaining - Thoughts are Things: An Angel Message

Our dear friend Joni lives in New York. Over the years, Elliot and I would stop for overnight visits on our travels to see his family. Joni is one of those warm, caring people who never meets a stranger. Her house is like her heart, wide open arms, nurturing those who cross her threshold.   The long dining room table is the favorite meeting place.  All gather to enjoy great food and inspiring conversation. It was a special part of our annual road trip. 

Times changed.  Elliot's parents passed on, and we moved down to Florida.

One morning, I found myself missing our friend so much that I mentally took a trip to New York. Reliving fond memories of sipping tea with Joni's friends and family at that dining room table.

It's hard to understand how our thought waves entertain one another, mingling as they do.  The afternoon mail that day brought a special delivery.  A house warming present from Joni.  The Angel of Hospitality had arrived serving a cup of tea! Even her red hair was like Joni's.

Be not forgetful to entertain
strangers: for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares.
         Heb. 13:2

Enjoy your day entertaining Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen