Yesterday I knew something was up when I was guided to turn on the radio instead of the CD player, loaded with Christmas music. The house had been filled with wonderful holiday music all week. The radio, on the other hand, has been played only a few times through the years.
With the remote, I scanned for a talk show I'd recently heard in the car.
Bouncing through the AM stations, the call numbers flashed, none were a hit. Then to my surprise, I heard an oldie, coming in loud and clear. Turns out, a new Oldies radio station, WLBE 790, was broadcasting out of nearby Mt. Dora. "Well, be!" that was just what was needed.
I couldn't believe my old favorite, Johnny Angel, was wafting through the dining room at lunchtime. Suddenly I was a teen again, dreamily singing along.
It's funny how music is a bridge. It can stir up memories of that sweet bird of youth that enliven our cells and bring happiness now.
Thanks to that angelic random radio selection, my afternoon was filled with uninterrupted golden Oldies, one hit after another. The Supremes' hit, Stop in the Name of Love, made me jump up off the sofa and join in, complete with hand motions, and dance moves that I haven't done in years.
Scientific studies have shown that when we sing an uplifting or spiritual song, both hemispheres of our brain unite, and ignite parts of our brain that are rarely used. This union produces a healing effect.
Singing and dancing are healing. It doesn't matter if you do either well, as long as you put your heart and soul into it. It's hard to be in a bad mood while you're singing and dancing.
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord."
Enjoy your day singing with the Angels.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
(photo: Victorian tin)