Today marks the celebratory Feast of Mary Magdalene in honor of the first woman apostle also known as the Apostles' Apostle.
The human brain is not the key to eternity. The answer lies beyond the physical into the realm of Infinite Divine Mind that cannot be confined to gray matter in a finite skull. Interesting that Golgotha, the crucifixion hill was shaped like a skull.
In the book, The Gospel of Mary Magdala, Jesus and the First Woman Apostle , Karen L. King writes:
As the Savior said, "Where the mind is, there is the treasure." (Gospel of Mary 7:4) In the Gospel of Mary, the mind is the most divine part of the self, that which links it with God. The mind rules and leads the soul, so that when the mind is directed toward God, it purifies and directs the soul toward spiritual attainment."
The unborn chick pent up in a tight hard shell must peck its way out of the dark. And when it does, the view is like nothing it has ever seen. An expanded awareness takes hold as it evolves to spread its wings and take flight toward the heavens.
So, it is with us. We are being birthed into a higher consciousness that always has and always will be. Our identity is spiritual, not physical. Each adversity can become an impetus to peck away harder on the shell of materiality and break free from physical limitation.
We have help. Angels hover near bringing God's pure messages of Divine Love. In stillness, we can feel their peaceful, loving presence, as shown in the painting of Mary Magdalene in the desert. How reassuring to know that when we feel most vulnerable and alone, exiled from the world, provisions are already in place. God's angels abide with us. They are only a thought away, ready to comfort, protect and guide.
Like Mary, in great despair that Easter morning, she stooped down low to look inside the tomb. It was empty. His body gone. In deep despair, she stood up and turned around to see the gardener in hopes that he may answer her question about Jesus' body.
The unborn chick pent up in a tight hard shell must peck its way out of the dark. And when it does, the view is like nothing it has ever seen. An expanded awareness takes hold as it evolves to spread its wings and take flight toward the heavens.
So, it is with us. We are being birthed into a higher consciousness that always has and always will be. Our identity is spiritual, not physical. Each adversity can become an impetus to peck away harder on the shell of materiality and break free from physical limitation.
We have help. Angels hover near bringing God's pure messages of Divine Love. In stillness, we can feel their peaceful, loving presence, as shown in the painting of Mary Magdalene in the desert. How reassuring to know that when we feel most vulnerable and alone, exiled from the world, provisions are already in place. God's angels abide with us. They are only a thought away, ready to comfort, protect and guide.
Like Mary, in great despair that Easter morning, she stooped down low to look inside the tomb. It was empty. His body gone. In deep despair, she stood up and turned around to see the gardener in hopes that he may answer her question about Jesus' body.
It wasn't until he calls her by name...Mary that she recognizes her beloved Rabboni, the risen Christ!
What unfathomable joy!
Her darkest hour had suddenly burst into the brightest dawn, and she is changed forever. With living proof of Christ's victory over death, she is now strong enough not to cling to him, but to let go and follow his command. To go and share the good news with the other disciples.
At the height of summer, The Feast of Magdalene's Day is a wonderful time to spend in the "garden" and reflect on how our darkest hour may unexpectedly unfold into a joyful resurrection, the dawn of a new day unfolding a higher view of Life.
At the height of summer, The Feast of Magdalene's Day is a wonderful time to spend in the "garden" and reflect on how our darkest hour may unexpectedly unfold into a joyful resurrection, the dawn of a new day unfolding a higher view of Life.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
(Artwork: Wikimedia Commons: Piola, Magdalene in the Desert
Mary Magdalene with the egg, Richard Stodart)