Mom enjoyed hosting our childhood birthday parties. Her "Go Fish" game brings back fun memories. In preparation for the party, she had a fishing pole rigged for each guest. To catch your fish, you had to keep pulling on the long string to reel in the party favor gift. The mystery of the unknown made it fun.
More and more, life seems like a game our loving angels are playing with us.
One thing leads to another...if we follow their playful clues.
It happened this week.
On September 5, I suddenly found myself cleaning out a junk drawer in the living room. Sifting through the stuff...Manatee 52 card deck, checkerboard, chess pawns, Boggle game, pocket flashlight, and a box of tealights scented in surf and sea. I began to lose interest.
Then, I found a small folded paper. A note on Hawk's personalized paper. Born in Iowa, the Hawk-eye state, he was nicknamed Hawk. Through the years, I came to love Hawk like a father. He was Mom's closest and best friend at the retirement home. Elliot and I spent lots of holidays and weekends with them.
Finding the note seemed significant. He'd jotted down info about a red garnet stone pendant; a Christmas gift for her many years ago. When he passed on, she gave it to me.
An angel now nudged, go look for the garnet. Curious, I dug Mom's old jewelry box out of the dresser, and sat down on the bedroom carpet.
I'd forgotten the delicate peacock motif on the lid, a reminder to be watchful.
Before long, I found the pendant, but the clasp on the delicate chain was broken."Oh, well, that's okay, Hawk," I said.
To my surprise, the air stirred.
Music began to play! Bracelets and earrings shifted in the bottom of the jewelry box! I let out a happy startled laugh. I had forgotten it was a music box, too.
How did that happen?! I wondered, amazed at the timing. The unfamiliar Asian tune should have played once the lid was lifted. had been opened for a while before it rang out a happy tune.
But there was more...
A hidden jewel.
At the bottom of the peacock jewelry box, I found a fortune cookie message I saved many years ago:
"The best is yet to come."
A wonderful message of hope during these dark days.
And, the day before, Elliot and I were both been feeling Hawk's energy around us while out for a drive.
Imagine our surprise the next morning as we read outloud, God Calling for September 6.
Your Loved Ones September 6
"Your loved ones are very safe in My Keeping. Learning and loving and working, theirs is a life of happiness and progress. They live to serve, and serve they truly do. They serve Me and those they love. Ceaselessly they serve.
But their ministrations, so many, so diverse, you see no more than those in My time on earth in human form could have seen the angels who ministered unto Me in the wilderness.
How often mortals rush to earthly friends who can serve them in so limited a way, when friends who are freed from the limitations of humanity can serve them so much better, understand better, protect better, plan better, and even plead better their cause with Me.
You do well to remember your friends in the Unseen. Companying with them the more you live in this Unseen World the gentler will be your passing when it comes. Earth's troubles and difficulties will seem, even now, less overwhelming as you look, not at the things that are seen but at the real, the Eternal Life.
"And this is Life Eternal that we may know Thee, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent."
Learning to know Me draws that Kingdom very near, and in Me, and through Knowledge of Me, the dear one there become very near and dear."
The timing was angelic, and yes, we believe loved ones are very close to us although unseen, their love comes pouring through to bring hope and faith. "The best is yet to come."
Love and peace,
Rae Karen