Monday, November 27, 2017

Stand Porter at the Gate: An Angel Message

Elliot is a songwriter, and so it's not usual for a ditty to play in his head.  Recently a catchy song, similar to the beat of the Hokey Pokey, had him pounding the keyboard.  In less than ten minutes, he had written Stand Porter at the Gate.  A reminder to guard our thoughts. Stand like a sentinel, admitting only positive thoughts to enter the gate of our mind to be entertained.

The phrase "Stand porter at the gate," is not new.  Mary Baker Eddy mentioned it in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  So Elliot was guided to play the new tune at a Wednesday Christian Science testimony meeting here in town.  The group loved it, and he promised to make a CD for each person.

Waking up the next morning, an angel idea wafted in for me to find a picture for the CD cover, and put it in a jeweled case.  I wondered where I could find a photo?  The response to my sleepy brain was, of course, the internet!  Something more was up.  I did a search Stand Porter at the Gate... and BING!  I found the perfect fit.  A baseball cap, with STANDING PORTER.  I surprised Elliot, with an email.  

As you know with the help of the angels, one thing quickly leads to another.  A phone call revealed that the source of the baseball cap on the world wide web, was just down the road, a Christian Scientist living in a neighboring town in Florida!  All minds are joined. 

So, here's a link for you to get in tune with keeping your thoughts on high. 

Have a joyful day and remember to stand porter at the gate.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen