Many years ago, I found a little "prayer" card freely offered at a print shop where I'd gone to have color copies made of a vintage postcard of Christ knocking at the door.
It was one of those precious times when I felt the touch of God's presence moving through my life. I'd made a major life change earlier that year, leaving behind my old life and moving to a new state to work on an angel assignment in film production. With that job now complete, and without the security of my former government salary for 20 years, in fear, I wondered, what was up next?
The little prayer card was the perfect answer in that moment because I found peace as I read:
Do not look forward to the changes
and chances of this life in fear,
rather look to them with full hope that,
as they arise, God will deliver you
out of them.
He has taken care of you before.
Do hold fast to His dear hand,
and He will lead you safely through
all things; and, when you cannot stand,
He will bear you in His arms.
Do not look to what may happen tomorrow...
the same everlasting Father who cares for
you today will take care of you tomorrow
and every day. Either He will shield you
from suffering, or He will give you
unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then, and put aside all
anxious thoughts and imaginings.
--Author Unknown
It turned out more was going on than I realized. God knew my pressing need. Never am I alone, separated from the love of God nor are you. To embrace this comforting Truth, the first step is to calm any anxious thoughts, and be still and feel the loving, peaceful Presence well up from within. A way will open up, one step at a time in the now, but I must be willing to open the door and invite Him in.
Enjoy your day with the Angels, and watch for wonderful synchronicity to come your way.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen