Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A Surprise in a Box: An Angel Message

 Unexpected surprises may come in ordinary packages.  Last week I got a big one, along with a powerful angel lesson on perseverance and resilience.

While shopping for a new bathroom light fixture, I was sold on a store display of Amaryllis kits. It brought back memories of eager time spent waiting for the Christmas flower to emerge out of an ugly brown onion shaped bulb in a pot.  Watching the slow progress through many stages,  finally the Amaryllis  bloomed in splendid beauty, heralding velvet-red trumpet flowers.

 I didn't assemble the kit right away, thinking to gift it to a garden friend instead, but an angel thought nudged, keep it.  I was glad I listened.  Christmas would have been too late...  Because when I popped open the carton... what a pitiful, yet amazing sight!  Somehow the Amaryllis had adapted, and managed to grow from a soil-less bulb.  I gasped at her plight. With no sunlight, her long crooked stem was white and so were her flattened leaves pressed together in the cramped box.  Yet inspite of her dire circumstances,  a swollen red bud had opened on her head, humbly bent down low.  

Immediately, I was touched by her resilience.  But to be honest, I had a fleeting thought to return the kit for a refund.  In my heart I knew this wasn't about money. It was about love. And, that's what this struggling flower needed most.  I talked to her softly, thanking her for the gift of endurance, and  encouraging her she would have a second chance.  Quickly, I mixed the packet of loamy soil, and placed "Little Mary" in a proper pot to bask in the sunlight,  along with our prayers for the angels to help her heal and grow strong and tall. 

It's been wonderful to watch the transformation. Each day, pale leaves and stem are turning green, raising up, growing straighter.  And, more red velvet blooms are opening toward the light. A testimony to the power of prayer, light, and love in action.

I learned the Greek word "amarysso" means "to sparkle".  And, "Little Mary" has added sparkle and joyful inspiration to our Christmas holidays.   

Turns out, Amaryllis represents female energy, resilience, and motherhood. The name "Mary" is planted in the name Amaryllis, and this amazing Christmas plant has connections to the Blessed Mother who brought the world a precious Gift of Light and Love.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen