Sunday, December 15, 2024

Angel Vision


This year Mom's Christmas angel needed a new string of tiny lights on one wing.   Her grandson got creative. When threading the short strand of lights through her left wing, he ended up with one bright bulb crowning her halo. It seemed like a touch of Mom's humor.   I remember the day mom gifted the angel to us.  After her eye appointment, we had stopped by Big Lots near her doctor's office.  Strolling down the aisle with a shopping cart, I rolled by the tall angel standing on display.  Mom called me back to take a look.  "Would you like this angel?" she asked, surprised I'd miss it.  Even with dim eyesight Mom had angel-vision.  

"The footsteps of thought, rising above material standpoints, are slow and portend a long night to the traveller; but the angels of His presence--the spiritual intuitions that tell us when "the night is farspent, the day is at hand"--are our guardians..."                       (Science and Health, With Key to the Scripture)

 May the Light of Christmas gladden your heart and bring you peace and goodwill. May we embrace the angelic companions and recognize these dear unseen friends who brighten our way.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen