Friday, December 27, 2024

On a Spiritual Journey: An Angel Message

Do you ever feel an overwhelming need to do something wild and crazy, to go with the moment, break the mold.  Just because...   

It happened last week at the grocery store. When I rolled my cart by a table of holiday gifts, I caught a glimpse of a giant pink flamingo under the table.  Something inside me lit up.  I'd been craving pink, but I had my list, and quickly moved on among the busy shoppers. Elliot and I had split up with our separate lists to speed up the trip. 

All went well until... our bags were finally loaded in the trunk, and we were leaving. An angel message tugged my sleeve. Go back and get that big pink flamingo.  You need it.

When I told Elliot, he gave me a look, like, really?  Then, he smiled and pulled out his wallet. I ran back inside and pulled that big giant bird out from under the table. My arms were full of pink feathery wings as I ran to self-checkout, wondering what I was doing, greeted by smiles.   As I approached the car holding Rosie, Elliot grinned, surprised by her size.    

Soon Rosie was at home on the loveseat in my office, bringing joy to my inner child, and everyone who enters.  

Curious, I looked up the spiritual meaning. A symbol of freedom, relaxation, and individuality.  Also a symbol of liberation from the material world, and the spiritual journey to find one's true self.  

A journey we're all on whether we realize it or not. And, how wonderful to be in the presence of our angels who lighten our load and brighten our day if we listen.

 This morning when I turned on my computer, I laughed. The computer-generated daily photo was a pink flamingo!  An angel confirmation that my hearing is good.

Flamingos glow with the color of the rose, an emblem of both human and divine love.  The color pink symbolizes compassion, mercy, love and charity.  May we have an abundance of these gifts of the spirit as we journey home. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen