Following a friendly angel nudge opened an advent door on Saturday. On our way home, an ARROW pointed down the road to a garage sale. Loving a bargain, we set off in a new direction. The signs soon disappeared, and just when about to quit, another bold ARROW soon popped up, turning us down an unfamiliar street.
Driving along the rural road, passing a lake, we somehow bypassed the turn to the garage sale. But all was in divine order. Because suddenly we happened upon something spectacular. A field full of life-size white-winged angels! Rows upon rows--they gathered in white satin gowns, with gold ribbon sashes. Gazing at the heavenly scene, it was as if a portal had opened in the presence of holy angels. A soft breeze ruffled their long-flowing gowns enlivening their presence with a touch of the divine.
A large banner, between two old oaks, joyously proclaimed the reason for the season.
The Savior is Born!
Excited, I hopped out of the car and thanked the two earth angels (putting up their decorations). "Look at our license plate!" I laughed. Both women smiled at ANGEL LOVE. Turns out, there are 39 angels, each one a memorial for a departed loved one--family member, friends, and some angels were sponsored in partnership with their local church over the years.
We accepted their invitation to drive by that night to see the lovely vision. Shortly after sundown, the pink sunset gave way to a darkened sky over the cow pasture. We made the short drive to visit the Christmas story.
Nearing the property, I rolled down my window as we parked to take in the holy night. The babe in the manger, Mary and Joseph, the three Magi, shepherds, and sheep. And, all those lovely angels aglow in the still of the night stirred cherished memories of my loved ones-- friends and family-- no longer here to celebrate Christmas with us. A palpable presence of love welled up as I imagined my departed loved ones, angels in the heavenly realm standing tall with the others radiating love and peace. My eyes suddenly misted with overflowing gratitude for the many gifts shared together through all the years.
Those angels we'd first seen in the daylight now took on a more meaningful and deeper perception at night. It's when times are the darkest, angels appear to light our way in our hour of need. During this season of the year, the nights are the longest, and angels bend down close to the earth to celebrate the wonder of the Christ child, the Light of the World, and to share God's Love. His precious gift of Life eternal to the world.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen