Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Sweet Tooth Delivery at the Buttercup Bakery


Yesterday, on an errand run, Elliot and I spontaneously followed an angel nudge and took a detour.  We stopped by the The Buttercup Bakery to see the birds and fill a sweet tooth.  Several tall Wood Storks were waiting at the Drive Through service window. 

We ordered a delicious strawberry muffin and took a seat at the patio table but this animated Wood Stork took the cake.  His creative pose seemed like a set-up.   Two large pink feet firmly planted in the center of a colorful mosaic flower.  A picture of patience, I snapped away in the sunlight.  Then,  I got the angel message:  Bloom where you're planted.

Suddenly a kaleidoscope of blessings created one of those perfect moments to remember.  Overwhelmed by the beauty and simple joys of life, my eyes misted, catching me off guard as The First Noel played on the airwaves...  The First Noel, the angels did say...  

 It has been a hard year...but the past was over.    

Storks are all about delivery, new birth, new beginnings, and creativity.  When the sun is the brightest our shadow comes out to play.

The angels remind us to keep doing our best to shine in every situation. No self-doubts...put more faith in the spiritual than the material. A new beginning, a new birth is at hand.  Be spontaneous and give Love enough elbow room to make a way.  Angels are with you now and always in all ways.  Rejoice.  

Love and peace,

Rae Karen