Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bubble of Clarity: An Angel Message

Nothing puts our mind to rest better than clarity.  With understanding, we can see things more clearly, and have more patience that all things are working out in divine order, for the highest good of all.

While resting on the patio beneath the heavy limb of my favorite hundred-year old camphor tree, I wondered what the angels may have to say about clarity. 

"Deliberateness is the key to steady progress.  Actions focused on results unfold, and goals are reached effortlessly.  The universe knows the talents that you have and the service you need to perform.  But unless you are committed, the energy collapses and dribbles away, no longer cohesive.

Your desires and intents turn the wheels, creating motion, movement forward toward the goal.  Inertia serves no purpose.  To rest in God is to be actively engaged in His Ideas, ready to be made manifest as divine love in the physical realm.

Call eagerly with anticipation of being heard.  Place your order to be in service.  Listen and watch for signs and wonders to appear to direct your path.  Delivery is assured, and then my dear friend, the rest is up to you.  You are the answer to your fondest prayer, when coupled with the power of the Universe."

It's comforting to be reminded that we each have an abundance of loving unseen celestial help.  The heavenly angels wait patiently for us to yield to divine wisdom and share our light with the world. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen