Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Rare Bloom: An Angel Message

This morning while out for a walk, what a surprise to see a lone cactus wearing a bright yellow bloom.  Standing tall by the fence, I could almost hear her cheerful call, See me!  I did it! I bloomed!

The only flower lighting up the large field next door, she was hard to miss.

 A cactus rose! I smiled, remembering  that yellow is a color of faith, and it takes faith and lots of patience to bloom in the desert, but it happens.   Right now it feels like humanity is in the desert, an arid time of spiritual testing and endurance.  A time for faith.  But these extreme circumstances can be used to build our spiritual muscle and help us to grow into a greater awareness of our true being if we let them.  The good news is that we are not alone.  Unseen, but not unnoticed, celestial help is with us strengthening us to sustain, day by day.

This afternoon, I returned to take a photo of the flowering cactus.  The sun had warmed her buttery petals and she had opened wide to share her gifts.  Bees were flitting around her blossom as I leaned over the fence to take a picture. 

One industrious bee had buried himself deep into the flowery nectar, making the most of the sunshine and bounty.  Bees represent doing the impossible-- like flying with such big bodies.     

To my surprise, while I was taking the photos, a car pulled into the long drive.  Not having any visitors since we arrived, I was surprised by its sudden appearance. 

 A young woman driver, removed her face mask, and called out asking me if I was Mary, assuming I was waiting for her.  Turns out, she had taken a wrong turn.  I gave her directions, and silently prayed for the angels to watch over her as she drove away.

Later, on-line, I looked up the symbolism of the cactus. 

The yellow cactus flower popped up.

 It  symbolizes warmth, protection and endurance.  This flower is a symbol of maternal love because it can endure and thrive in harsh conditions like a mother's unconditional love.  It also represents an endurance and strength to survive in new environments and situations.   Something we're all learning together right now, to adapt and be flexible.

I smiled after reading about the maternal symbolism of the yellow cactus, -- and the young woman had called out, Mary from her car.  Synchronicity was at play.  

My earthly mother Mary has been a guardian angel  watching over me since 2014. 

A joyful rush of grace moved through me.  I could feel my mother's loving touch.  The veil is thin now, our departed loved ones are with us.

Angels are watching over us...so keep having faith. 

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen