Last night I unpacked a large basket in our bedroom, the last remnant from our recent move. This special purple iris notepad had been quite a find at a thrift shop years ago. At the time, I couldn't believe it had two of my favorites--our black-and-white cat, Angel, and purple irises! I loved it. Even more amazing, we once owned a blue-and-white striped sofa like the one shown.
The unusual tailor-made find had been one of those memorable angel blessings. Little did I know years later it would be used for the Flower Angel Messenger cards, a gift from a dear angel friend.
With the iris cardholder on the night stand last night, I happily remembered our cat Angel and the nine wonderful years we shared together.
This morning, I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and found myself turning on the lamp, to randomly select a flower angel card.
To my delight, it was the Angel of Encouragement, -- with the white iris as the flower messenger.
It has been years since I picked a card, so imagine my surprise at how perfect the selection. Iris!
And, encouragement is just what is needed most at this hour on our planet.
Here's some of the guidance offered:
"The guidance coming to you through this image is for you to persevere in your efforts to grow spiritually and to transform fear into love. The white perfection of this flower image tells you that all change is possible when seen in the light of divine perfection. The center path of gold leading into the depths of the flower is symbolic of your life path of awakening and taking you into the heart of the Universe."
Thankful for the encouragement, I got up feeling refreshed.
While sitting in the sun-room, I caught sight of the first hummingbird I've seen here. Her emerald throat glistened in the morning sunlight as she sipped the nectar from a bright red hibiscus, the only bloom still on the bush. As I grabbed my phone, she flitted away and I remembered with a grateful smile, hummingbird is all about joy.
Enjoy your day with the Angels. How blessed we are to have their loving presence accompany us on our journey.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen