Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Lesson from a Doe: Angels

 Several weeks ago, when I opened the sun-room shades at lunch time, what joy to see a baby deer grazing in the grass at the east side of the house.   Alone and so small, I wondered, Where’s Mama?

 The youngest doe I’ve ever seen -- his spindly stick-legs buckled as he wobbled taking baby steps in the tall green grass.   This gentle creature was so close I could have counted the spots on his tawny coat.


Soon, the little fellow laid down to rest in the grass. The 23rd Psalm came to mind. "For he maketh me to lie down in green pastures. ...He restoreth my soul."

Watching him from the window, I was tempted to fear for his safety, but then I decided to see God’s Love enfolding him, keeping him safe. Although, I thought about calling wildlife services, there was more peace in not doing so.

Before long, he got up on his feet and hurried off into the woods, more stable in his movement. 

Research later revealed that the mother deer must leave her young while she goes to forage for food.  Sometimes she can be away for as long as 12 hours.  The good news is at this age the doe is odorless, and won’t attract predators. At two-months-old he will be strong enough to go with mom on her adventures. 

So it had all been in divine order.  I was happy to have let nature take its course.  And, the idea of baby-sitting for this wide-eyed bundle of innocence brought a smile. 

It’s not easy this letting go, and letting God…trusting that God is in control, not me, but I had turned it over to the Holy Spirit.    

Then a week later, after a heavy rain, the baby doe suddenly appeared at dusk.  This time he was not alone, but with his family of four.  My eyes glistened with relief as I watched with binoculars from the window.    

Time seemed to stand still in that wonderful moment.  The doe paused and looked across the way as we gazed back at him and his older brother. A holy hush of heaven stilled the air and softened hearts.  Love was reflected in love in that sacred bond of kinship with all Life. 

 Deer represent gently guiding you on a new adventure…

“Your newborn purpose is nursed by angels,

cherished by the Holy Spirit and protected by

God Himself.”    

--A Course in Miracles

 May you day be filled with gentle journeys.  Angels are watching over you, always.

Love and peace,


Rae Karen