Monday, July 26, 2021

The Full Buck Moon of 2021: An Angel Message


This morning when I opened the shades, the full moon was playing peek-a-book with the

palm trees.  Daylight and the moon still aglow beckoned me outdoors.  The full moon this month is known as the Buck Moon, and I thought of the recent deer visits.  Deer gently calls us on a new adventure, and so there I was looking up at the moon in the stillness of a new day. 

 I recalled a poem that went to the moon on two different missions.  It was written by James Dillet Freeman who had been the poet laureate at Unity. It always brings me peace, and so I wanted to share it with you.  


                                                                            Do you need Me? 

                                                                           I AM THERE

                                     You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by.

                                    You cannot hear Me, yet I speak through your voice.

                                    You cannot feel Me, yet I am the power at work in

                                                                         your hands.

                                    I am at work, though you do not understand My ways.

                                    I am at work, though you do not recognize My works.

                                              I am not strange visions.  I am not mysteries.

                                    Only in absolute stillness, beyond self, can you know

                                             Me as I am, and then but as a feeling and a faith.

                                           Yet I am there.  Yet I hear.  Yet I answer.

                                                    When you need Me, I am there.

                                                    Even if you deny Me, I am there.

                                            Even when you feel most alone, I am there.

                                                        Even in your fears, I am there.

                                                        Even in your pain, I am there.

                                    I am there when you pray and when you do not pray.

                                                    I am in you, and you are in Me.

                                    Only in your mind can you feel separate from Me,

                                    for only in your mind are the mists of "yours" and "mine."

                                    Yet only with your mind can you know Me and

                                                                      experience Me.                   

                                                     Empty your heart of empty fears.

                                     When you get yourself out of the way, I am there.

                                     You can of yourself do nothing, but I can do all.

                                                                And I am in all.

                                    Though you may not see the good, good is there, for

                                                                      I am there.

                                           I am there because I have to be, because I am.

                                    Only in Me does the world have meaning; only out of

                                     Me does the world take form; only because of Me does

                                                                 the world go forward.

                                         I am the law on which the movement of the stars

                                                 and the growth of living cells are founded.

                                             I am the love that is the law's fulfilling.  I am

                                         assurance.  I am peace.  I am oneness.  I am the law

                                             that you can live by.  I am the love that you can

                                            cling to.  I am your assurance.  I am your peace.

                                                              I am one with you.  I am.

                                              Though you fail to find Me, I do not fail you.

                                            Though your faith in Me is unsure, My faith in

                                           you never wavers, because I know you, because

                  I love you.

                                                            Beloved, I am there.  


                                                                                 --James Dillet Freeman