Friday, August 25, 2023

Finding Peace and Protection in the Storms: An Angel Message

Several weeks ago, out of the blue, an angel thought encouraged me to write about God's promises in the Book of Psalms. Psalms is the word for songs in the Bible.  Songs bring relief and peace in the storms of life. And during these unprecedented times of global transformation, I've found comfort and peace in reading Psalms, especially Psalm 91.   

It was a good idea to strengthen my faith upon a rock that cannot be shaken, no matter what.  And, like most angel nudges, once I agreed, helpful resources began to pop up on my path in surprising ways. For instance, an impromptu trip to the library turned up a find.   

A beautifully illustrated book called Lighthouse Psalms,  God's Gift of Hope and Direction stuck out on the shelf at the bookstore.  It rang a bell of synchronicity.   Many years ago, my husband and I had published a homespun monthly newsletter, The Lighthouse of Peace. 

Smiling, I opened the Lighthouse Psalms book, and felt peace flowing from the words and beautiful  pictures. 

Keep me as the apple of the eye,

hide me under the shadow of thy wings.

                             Psalm 17:8

I was sold, but there was more...  

An old unused journal was tucked in a For Sale basket by the door.  A big clue. A lush green forest with a waterfall, had a sprinkle of psalm verses on the cover!  A blank book filled with lined pages just waiting for fresh ink.  Hah! no doubt the angels were working overtime to make sure I got the message. 

How comforting to know we are never alone on this life journey. No way. The holy angels make our path straight and guide us to the resources needed to help us help them bring peace and comfort and love into our world. To bring light into the darkness, and shine. 

My prayer for you today is to find the peace of God in the midst of whatever trial you may be facing.  Be certain that you are never alone. He has given his angels charge over you.   You can never be separated from the love of God, so rest and abide in the Shadow of the Almighty.  Fear not.   Keep shining like the lighthouse on the shore.  The best is yet to be.

For thou will light my candle:

the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.

                                  Psalm 18:28 

 Love and peace,

Rae Karen