Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Surprise Birthday Messenger

 "Just living is not enough," said the butterfly. 
"One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
 -- Hans Christian Anderson

Thanks to the angels, my birthday unfolded moment by moment, filled with delightful surprises.  On our way to lunch at an old lakeside hotel in Mount Dora, "Mother Nature" called, for a pit stop at the local library.  That's how we happened upon this beautiful butterfly garden next door.  

As I got out of the car what a surprise!  A little wildflower had managed to bloom in the parking lot.  Her back against the cement curb, and a narrow crack in which to grow.  My heart had compassion for her journey. Seeded by the winds, just beyond the entrance to the Butterfly Garden, where the other clusters of Coreopsis grew in rich garden beds, this little volunteer had managed to bloom.         

 "Look at me!" she joyfully shouted,  orange fringed petals opened to greet the sun.  A picture of victory and endurance.  "I bloomed! I did it! And, so can you!  Don't ever quit. And, do your best day-by-day to keep reaching toward the light.  God will do the rest."

Later, I looked up the symbolism of Coreopsis on-line, and learned in 1991 it was designated the state wildflower of Florida.  This flower represents hope and resonates encouragement to persevere through difficulties. They have a long blooming season and are associated with endurance and passage of time, reminding us of the nature of life and relationships.

I'm so thankful for these wonderful messages from nature that bless our soul and give us strength to keep on doing our best.  To have more faith and less fear.  The world is full of beautiful expressions of God's love, and so are you.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen