Friday, June 28, 2024

Faith-Filled Friday: Angel Message

When I opened the vertical blinds in the morning,  I almost stepped on a familiar flat stone on the brown variegated carpet. I smiled at Hei-Hei's special angel delivery to start a new day.  During the night, that playful cat had knocked it off the lamp table in the sun-room.  Picking up the smooth stone, it felt cool and comforting in my hand.  I knew it was the FAITH rock before I turned it over. The surprise came later on--after the photo was uploaded.  Something new and different appeared on the polished rock.  A stream of lamp light reflected on the ebony stone--like an exclamation point after the word Faith in gold letters! I had to go back and double-check the shiny black rock to be sure. But the light had emboldened the angel message to have faith during the dark times.  Unseen Help is ever present.     


 Although Hei Hei wasn't finished with his morning deliveries. He caught my attention later on the porch quietly watching the sandhill crane family commune by the old windmill.  The brown welcome mat the cat rested on was a bristle haired. Our Story Begins Here.   

In the story of our life, what a gift to know we can ask for faith, even if it be as small as a mustard seed. God can do miraculous things with just a little willingness on our part.  The Holy Spirit welcomes every invitation and is the call to Joy in our going out and in our coming in. Answers come...with just a little faith in our hearts.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen