Monday, September 7, 2009

The Past is Over

I took this photo on an Alaskan cruise. I called to Archangel Michael to make the path clear and straight. Watching the ship's wake, stirring the waterway as it cruised the coastline was like watching the past behind me. It had no power over me anymore. All that was left was a blessing because it brought me to where I am today. Often there is a temptation to dig up the old and review it, rather than to look forward with enthusiasm to where it is I am going. Archangel Michael is the Archangel who is Lord of the Way. Christ is the Way, but Archangel Michael intercedes for every soul who steps out on a spiritual path. He is the warrior whose light triumphs over the darkness. Call on Archangel Michael to quell any fears you may have. He will set you free with his blue lightning sword of God's will and power.

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