Christmas cactus were featured at the orchid warehouse last week, all holding a promise of blooming. My sweet step-father Bob had such a green thumb; his front yard was hedged with beautiful fragrant rose bushes. Once he gave me a Christmas cactus, but it never did bloom. The idea that a cactus could bloom was remotely possible to my mindset.
Fondly remembering Bob, I looked over the many potted Christmas cactus for sale. I picked the one with the most red tipped ends, in hopes of increasing any success.
I was not disappointed. The next day the first tight little bud produced a single red flower. I thought that was it. But it was only the beginning...
To my surprise, an expansive shoot of red petals popped open from the first flower. When the show was over the center looked like a long tapered white candle of light! Soon, the other little buds began bursting with their own light show.
The light of Christmas brings hope. Hope that even in the most difficult and desolate conditions, like the dormant Christmas cactus, we, too, have hidden potential. A light within waiting to blossom and shine out in the world.
Remember God loves you. I'm so thankful for the reminder to not judge by outer appearances...what is hidden will be revealed.
Love and joy,
Rae Karen