Yesterday the spirit of Christmas filled the air. After a drive to the post office to send out some holiday cheer, an angel prompt guided, Go shop for stocking stuffers for friends.
Rolling my cart down the aisle at Tuesday Morning, a surprise was waiting in the wings. A pair of writer cherubs caught my attention on a top shelf at the back of the store. It was just what I needed. Feather quills in hand, journals open--listening and waiting for inspiration.
The store manager happened to come out of the backroom, and saw me admiring the two.
Which angel do you like? I asked her.
She studied the celestial pair for a moment, and pointed to the cherub in my hand. (The angel with her finger by her mouth, pondering what to write next.) "They're like book-ends." She smiled.
Undecided, I looked back at the other cherub high on the shelf, her little face filled with divine inspiration. It was hard to decide.
"You know, they're 60% off, the manager smiled, checking the discount list.
At that affordable price, I could get both! Smiling, I thanked her for being my angel.
She went on to say, yesterday a woman had come into the store looking for angels, but there were none to be found. So these two were meant for you.
Now with my writing cherubs on the desk, I'm grateful for the inspiration to keep writing. Be willing to open up and listen.
We all experience these angelic touches that sneak up on us and fill our souls with delight. A loving reminder that there is more going on in the wings, so keep the faith, do our best, and share the love. Even though we do not see angels, there is no doubt that these loving messengers from God are here with us along the way, guiding, protecting, inspiring and loving us through it all. We all need encouragement, and with a little willingness, we can help to build each other up during these challenging days. The best is yet to come.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen