Sunday, June 14, 2020

People Are Noticing You: An Angel Message

Missing our favorite donkey friend, Elliot and I took an impromptu ride out in the country to visit the orchid farm.     

Calling out to greet Alahambre,  the Jerusalem donkey slowly trod over to the fence.   A little down in the mouth, it had been over a month since our last visit and a week of steady rain.

It didn't take long to cheer him up, a few loving pats, some soothing words, and our playful burrow friend was back to his old self.

 With plenty of food inside the area, he longed for a tall weed, growing outside the fence.  It was close, but just beyond his reach.

The laughter began with a little help from Elliot.  He picked the long stemmed weed and fed it to this lovable face that became energized!  His passion for greens mirrored my own for chocolate. One stem at a time, they restored his vitality, and we returned home feeling full of joy.

The message the donkey brings is humility.  Good advice for us all.  "Be wise but remain humble in a new opportunity.  People are noticing you, so you do not need to promote yourself.  Stubbornness can hinder."

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Donkey ref.  Animal-Speak, Pocket Guide, Ted Andrews