Getting a late start to the farmers' market at the fairgrounds, the hot, humid weather caused a change in plans. Instead, a short walk through the neighborhood proved fruitful.
A beautiful bird circled the grassy meadow as the cows and horses were munching on breakfast. The scissor-tailed swallow-kite gave me several chances to take a pic but I wasn't quick enough. The kite's timing was good. It brings a message to be adaptable and flexible now. Use the skills that you have available to you. New skills learned more easily.
Off in the distance, a sleepy-eyed calf standing in the shade of a tree, was the only one interested in our passing visit.
The cow brings a message of nourishment. This is a time of fertility and new birth. Nourish yourselves and others. Be as productive as you can be.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
photo: on-line
Ref. Animal-Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews