Angels have such divine timing, synchronizing how to deliver the right thing at just the right time in just the right way. Late Tuesday afternoon, in the pouring rain, an UPS truck pulled into the driveway. Not expecting any deliveries, we were surprised to receive a large plastic envelope all the way from California. The timely delivery was angelic in more ways than one. Curious, I snipped away at the heavily taped envelope. Inside was a small box, a loving gift from a friend. A little Spirit Angel, with an open red heart, had come to bless.
The words on the manufacturer's card read:
Angels are all around us
They care for us when times
are good or stressed.
Wrapping us in their wings
they whisper, You are Loved
and Blessed.
I had been feeling stressed that day, more like a stranger to myself.
The back of the card brought a smile as I read how this special angel had been created. I could relate!
"Each Spirit Angel is fired in an outdoor kiln. Red hot, it is pulled from the kiln and placed into a pit with wood shavings. The intense heat ignites a blaze giving this Spirit Angel unique flashes of color making it one of a kind."
What a comfort to know the Angels are here, helping us through these stressful times of global transformation. Our own one of a kind radiance will make us like Spirit Angels to Love and to Bless.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
The words on the manufacturer's card read:
Angels are all around us
They care for us when times
are good or stressed.
Wrapping us in their wings
they whisper, You are Loved
and Blessed.
I had been feeling stressed that day, more like a stranger to myself.
The back of the card brought a smile as I read how this special angel had been created. I could relate!
"Each Spirit Angel is fired in an outdoor kiln. Red hot, it is pulled from the kiln and placed into a pit with wood shavings. The intense heat ignites a blaze giving this Spirit Angel unique flashes of color making it one of a kind."
What a comfort to know the Angels are here, helping us through these stressful times of global transformation. Our own one of a kind radiance will make us like Spirit Angels to Love and to Bless.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen