Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hats Off to Uncle Sam: An Angel Message

Happy July 4th!  It's fun to reminisce about a humorous and unforgettable lesson on the power of never giving up.  It happened many years ago regarding Uncle Sam. 

Elliot and I were inching along in rush-hour traffic at Virginia Beach where we lived at that time. A windy morning, I caught sight of Uncle Sam standing on the corner of a busy intersection.  A exaggerated promo for Liberty Tax.

To my surprise, a sudden gust whipped up and his giant-sized Red, White and Blue Top Hat blew off his bare head.  Helpless, his striped trousers flapped in the breeze like a pair of Old Glory flags waving in despair as his hat sailed away in the wind.   

Elliot and I decided it wasn't a good omen for Uncle Sam to lose his Top Hat--a symbol of authority.    Like two super heroes, we playfully set out to restore justice.  To our delight, the oversized hat rolled along on its brim--
an animated red/white/blue tire, keeping pace with the traffic. We laughed. The patriotic hat seemed to have a life force of its own, navigating it along the curb.  
Then up ahead, Uncle Sam's hat suddenly rolled to a complete stop. 

Here was my chance!  I jumped out of the car, and ran.  Just as I reached down for the brim, a  playful gust whisked it beyond my grasp.  A tease--that playful hat would slow down, I'd jump to grab, and off it spun in the wind like a childish game of chase with me lagging behind like a fool entertaining a host of  morning commuters. 
Winded and embarrassed, I returned to wait in our car for the traffic light.

Something amazing happened next.  
Uncle Sam's Top Hat changed directions.  No longer safely rolling curbside, it spun out in the middle of the road!  Cringing, we watched in awe as it successfully dodged several oncoming tires. But then... SPLAT.  Like a  red, white, and blue-striped patriotic pancake the Top Hat lay ruined, flattened in the road.    

The quest was over. We'd done our best.  But what appeared hopeless ... sprang back to life! A
sudden gust of wind somehow popped the smashed hat back into shape.   Like a miracle, Uncle Sam's Hat was on a roll again.      

Laughing, we were committed again to the quest. 
A big break came.  It seemed to good to be true. The illusive Top Hat veered off into a parking lot across the road.  Elliot sped in, and pulled up right beside it.  Victory. The animated Top Hat was waiting, brim side up, easy to grab and go.  Thank you, Angels, we cheered.
Soon a smiling, grateful Uncle Sam was reunited with his Top Hat, thanks to the angels who kept us going. What had appeared to be a totally hopeless situation, ended up a temporary break in the action.      
I thought about the symbolism. Sometimes we may be so close to reaching our goal when suddenly it's whisked away, leaving us feeling flattened and lifeless. But the Holy Spirit (often described as the Wind or Breath of God) will suddenly breathe new life into us, and we, too, can pop back into shape, and roll on to victory.  

The angels remind us: Don't ever give up!  The best is yet to be.  Thank God for George Washington and all those brave souls who fought hard for our liberty and freedom. They never gave up.  The best is yet to be.

Happy July 4th!  God Bless America.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun story ... and wonderful reminder ... a great way to start my day :)