Maybe you've noticed how a photo taken years ago can bring a touch of humor as you recognize yourself in the picture. This tall giraffe trying to masquerade itself in the branches of a spindly tree at the Norfolk Zoo reminded me of my own shyness, watching safely hoping to blend in with the background. Fooling no one, least of all me.
When a giraffe runs its markings resemble different sizes and shapes of a giant jigsaw puzzle in motion. Like human fingerprints, no two patterns are alike. Each one amazingly unique, a one-of-a-kind creation, like you and me.
Giraffe represents farsightedness. "Giraffe brings a message to be alert as to what is coming. You can see what others cannot. Do not resist moving into new areas." Sometimes you may have to stick out your neck to get ahead.
One last thing about the can only make flute-like sounds and low pitches beyond the range of human hearing. It has a voice although not audible to our ears.
When a giraffe runs its markings resemble different sizes and shapes of a giant jigsaw puzzle in motion. Like human fingerprints, no two patterns are alike. Each one amazingly unique, a one-of-a-kind creation, like you and me.
you have trouble being your real self when meeting new people? If so, silently invite the Holy Spirit into your encounter. He will help you become aware of how you may be masking your true self for fear of acceptance.
Old wounds often guard against sharing in
honesty and freedom. The people we meet along the way are not by
chance. They come by divine appointment. A living piece of our jigsaw puzzle to help us see the bigger picture. Our meeting always becomes a win-win under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A door will naturally open in our exchange for the Spirit of Truth to flow. An opportunity will present itself to share and grow together. The trials we've overcome enable us to speak the same language to another now facing the same issue, and vice-versa. Healing is always the goal.
One last thing about the can only make flute-like sounds and low pitches beyond the range of human hearing. It has a voice although not audible to our ears.
So that special person who happens to cross your path today, may be more than a how-do-you-do acquaintance? They may just be the answer to a prayer. Stay open-hearted to both give and receive, and silently invite the Holy Spirit to be with you. Watch for miracles.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
Ref: Animal-Speak Pocket Guide, Ted Andrews