Sunday, July 7, 2024

This Too Shall Pass: An Angel Message


Standing the edge of a slippery water fall, this little mallard seems bent on prayer as a torrent of rushing water passes through his rubbery orange webbed feet.  He is not moved, but holds his ground in faith.  Looking at the photo, an angel thought came to mind. "This too shall pass."

Whatever we are dealing with today has come to pass, not to stay, as the old adage goes. 
Change is the only constant. Everything in life is both coming and going like the ongoing tides at the sea, rushing through time.   
"This too shall pass," is a wonderful reminder not to get swept away in the rapids of human drama.
Our feet represent dominion, so we can stay centered within, and fully rely on God.  Be like the duck, and don't go over the falls, but let your rising emotions roll off your back like water off of a duck's back.  And, like this steadfast little mallard, you can choose to stand still and come up higher in prayer. 
As you go about your day, remember you are never alone.  You have a guardian angel with you, always ready to love, protect, comfort, and direct your steps. The best is yet to be. 

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

 Photo from web