Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kaleidoscope of Thoughts: An Angel Message

Recently I found my kaleidoscope tucked away in an old drawer, a long forgotten birthday gift. What joy to aim it at the lamp and watch the colorful chips shift into beautiful patterns like stained glass windows.  James Allen wrote a wonderful passage in his book, As A Man Thinketh:

The world is your kaleidoscope, 
and the varying combinations of colors 
which at every succeeding moment it presents to you 
are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever moving thoughts.
 Now that is something to think about...
A beautiful metaphor illustrating the power of our personal observation, and our responsibility of sight that comes to light with it.

Questions we may ask ourselves: 
 How are my own thoughts coloring my world?  With love, or with fear?  With harmony or discord? With joy or sadness?  Am I trusting in God, or man?  Spirit, or matter?

If everything is consciousness, it's important to watch our thinking as we go about each day.  Our thoughts won't remain secret for long as they quickly turn into habits that soon develop into circumstances.  So why not expect the best is yet to be.  To walk by faith, not by sight. 
(2 Corin 5:7)

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

(photo from the web)