This morning I noticed the SOLID GOLD label on a new bag of cracked corn. A perfect match for the Muscovy duck known as royal ducks, the flock that enjoys the daily morning feed.
Usually the hungry ducks are waiting as we pull up at the lake ramp. Happily they run for the car before we can turn off the engine.
Yesterday the wings of the morning were stirred by something excitedly fresh and different. Change was in the air. As I got out of the car, with the canister of corn, and stood up, a lone duck appeared in the sky flying low over the lake. Powerful wings flapping, heading my way, coming so close, I ducked down.
WHOOSH! Suddenly I was swept up in a down draft, a thrilling thrust of dynamic energy filled me with the exhilarating presence of flight.
Click. A pair of webbed feet had landed on the car roof beside me!
Wow! That was a first! I turned around to see who'd made such a grand entrance?
To my delight, it was Gray Baby! A special duck I'd helped get through a rough patch the last time I saw him.
Unlike the other Muscovy ducks, he's mostly gray, and often shunned or pecked. A few days ago, he'd been snubbed by an aggressive duo. I tried to smooth his ruffled feathers by speaking loving words and naming him Gray Baby. I told him that God loved him. And, so did I. Before long, his tail wagged, and he looked up at me. A heart to heart exchange of love had flowed between us for sure.
The sight of Gray Baby, standing on the car roof, eye-level with me in the light of a new day was one of those angel moments. A wonderful reminder: "Love is reflected in Love." That big lovable Muscovy had given me a royal welcome to make my day.
All went well. Soon cracked corn was shared by all the ducks gathered round the old cypress tree at the water's edge. And, I, too, had been fed with food for thought. A lesson on giving and receiving. "Love is reflected in Love." A reminder that whatever we send out, will eventually wing its way back to us. So choose love.
Oh, I almost forgot...when I looked up Muscovy in What It's Like to Be a Bird, their large wing feathers were used for writing quills. And, our modern word "pen" comes from the Latin word penna, for "feather". Sometimes people hunger for uplifting stories more than they do for food. People are hungry for what you know.
Have a joyful day, and remember that you are never alone. God loves you. He has sent His angels to help you through times such as these. The best is yet to be.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen