I'm always thankful for the angel messages that catch you off-guard, but are delivered at the perfect time. On Wednesday, I was in a hurry to run errands when I opened the door and spotted a surprise visitor at the threshold! It's not everyday you find a tiny little ladybug on your front step, waiting on welcome. And, this baby had yet to earn a spot on her shiny red wings.
Synchronicity was at play. Ladybugs are a happy sign that my mother in heaven is near, and these cheerful little messengers show up when most needed.
I welcomed the good luck symbol and message of grace and life eternal. In French, ladybug means good God's animal; in Spanish, it means little Mary; in German, Mary's beetle, and in English she's known as ladybird.
Waiting at the door, my thoughts turned to Mother Mary, and her faithful trust in our heavenly Father as she waited on the threshold for Christ to rise from the tomb, and open the door to life eternal for all God's children to receive. This week is about resurrection, new beginnings.
May you feel the blessings of Easter-tide lifting you up this week, and always.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen