Nature is always teaching me lessons on life. The birds that appear at the lake are not by chance. Each one has a story (a character trait) and reveals a view of my own interior landscape. Something I need to work on to become less judgmental and more loving and kind, to myself and others.
Yesterday, a Mallard duck, with a bulbous emerald green head, white necklace, and rust colored chest, appeared at the lake. The first one I've seen there. A beauty. He stood out in a crowd of hungry, heavyweight Muscovy ducks in red rubbery masks. The rowdy flock easily frightened the skittish brown duck away before I could grab my camera. I had compassion for this hungry little fellow who didn't seem to fit in, and prayed to understand that he is always in his rightful place no matter what my physical eyes reveal. God's Love is the only power. Harmony is always present.
As Elliot and I pulled out of the parking lot, I caught a glimpse of the Mallard afloat in an overflow pond across the road, finding sustenance alone.
So, imagine my surprise, this morning to see the colorful mallard reappear. It did my heart good to watch his orange legs and feet march boldly to the old cypress tree to join the Muscovy ducks for a breakfast of cracked corn, who were satisfied to let the newcomer be. Harmony in action.
A little research revealed something interesting. Mallards will return to their place of birth. A reminder that when we return our mind to the eternal consciousness of God's Infinite Love, in and of All Life, we too can only reflect Love.
Ducks represent emotional comfort and protection. And, I'm thankful for the daily invitation to visit the lake to start the day. Ducks maneuver through various waters of life, like this newcomer. And, ducks can be a reminder for us to drink of the waters of life as well as nurture our own emotional natures. I learned that Mallards like having others around. They will also return to wherever they feel safe and comfortable.
What messages are you learning from nature today? It's springtime. Why not spend some quiet time outdoors in the stillness of nature? Sit by a tree, dig in a garden, talk to a flower, look up at the sky and plant your feet in the grass. Remember you are never alone, you have a loving guardian angel by your side.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen