This morning, tidying up the medicine cabinet, I found a couple of old boxes of Bandaids to consolidate into one box. Closing the lid, a surprising message appeared on the inner blue flap: "Thank you for caring for those you love." It seemed as if an angel had reached through the veil and tapped me on the shoulder. "Thank you for caring for those you love."
In his book, Angels of Grace, Anselm Gruen writes, that the word "thank" comes from "think." The Angel of Gratitude would like to teach you to look at everything with new eyes, with grateful eyes. Then you can be grateful for the new day, that you have your health and can get up and see the sunrise. You are grateful for the gifts of nature. You are aware. Gratitude makes your heart open and joyful. You are not obsessed with the things that might annoy you. You do not start the day grumbling. There are people who make their own lives difficult because they see only the negative side. And the more they see the negative side, the more their experience confirms this.
He offers good advice. If you look thankfully at your life you will accept what has happened in it. You will stop rebelling against yourself and your fate. Ask the Angel of Gratitude to teach you to be thankful for the people you live with. If we say thank you for another person we accept them unconditionally as they are. They are valuable just as they are.
Love is the medicine that cures all ills. "Thank you for caring for those you love."
Love, joy, and peace,
Rae Karen